Saturday, February 28, 2009

When is "Bizarre and Offensive" of Public Interest?

Ozzy Osbourne sings of suicide, in dismissing a fan's family's claim that the singer caused the death, the court cites numerous examples of the theme in classic and modern literature. But the court also links the importance of protecting the singer's right to free expression to "the political process."

In "Borat," Sasha Baron Cohen portrays a Central Asian oaf who is preparing a "documentary-style" film about America for his government. He uses as foils "ordinary Americans" who taking him at face value, reveal their true colors, to the delight of audiences here and overseas, earning the film an Oscar nod for best unscripted adaptation. When the film grosses $260M, not all of these unwitting players got their joke. Then ten inevitable lawsuits alleged that Borat's producers invaded their privacy, misappropriated their image, put them in a "false light", and procured their agreement to be filmed under fraudulent pretenses. Each of the ten cases was dismissed, however. Read More!